Here is a logic puzzle that I found in a book and decided to write a program around. You start by learning the rules to a particular number game, and then attempt to pass the SIX TESTS. You play by just typing your answers into the interactive terminal. There is no penalty for wrong guesses. 

This puzzle is rather hard, so be prepared to take a few hours, at least. 
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  <title>The Princess Test</title>
body { background-color: #006699; }

      <div id="terminal" style="border-style: inset;"></div>
      <script src="princess.js"></script>
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  <title>The Princess Test</title>
body { background-color: #006699; }

      <div id="terminal" style="border-style: inset;"></div>
      <script src="rules.js"></script>
//prompt("got here"); // this is just a debugging thing, put this somewhere as a breakpoint

const desired_rows = 15;

const white = '\x1b[97m';
const yellow = '\x1b[93m';
const blue = '\x1b[94m';
const red = '\x1b[91m';
const green = '\x1b[92m';

function princess(input){
	let head = input.charAt(0);
	let tail = input.charAt(input.length - 1);
	let rest = input.substring(1);

	if (head == "1" && tail == "2")
		return input.substring(1,input.length - 1);
	else if (head == "3")
		return princess(rest) + princess(rest);
	else if (head == "4")
		return princess(rest).split("").reverse().join("");
	else if (head == "5")
		return princess(rest).substring(1);
	else if (head == "6")
		return "1" + princess(rest);
	else if (head == "7")
		return "2" + princess(rest);
		return "";

function test1(input){return (princess(input) == input);}
function test2(input){return (princess(input) == input + input);}
function test3(input){return (princess(input) == input.split("").reverse().join(""));}
function test4(input){return (princess(input) == input.substring(0,input.length-1));}
function test5(input){return (princess(princess(input)) == input);}
function test6(input){return (princess(princess(input)) ==  input.split("").reverse().join(""));}

const reminder ="\n\rRule I                        "+green+"1"+white+"a"+green+"2"+white+" → a\n\r"+
	"Rule II        if a → b, then "+green+"3"+white+"a → bb\n\r"+
	"Rule III       if a → b, then "+green+"4"+white+"a → b↩\n\r"+
	"Rule IV        if a → b, then "+green+"5"+white+"a → ◌b\n\r"+
	"Rule V         if a → b, then "+green+"6"+white+"a → 1b\n\r"+
	"Rule VI        if a → b, then "+green+"7"+white+"a → 2b\n\n\r"

//TODO make these more engaging
var prompts = 
		yellow + "The first test: Echo\n\r"+
		"Get the princess to echo your number.\n\r"+ blue + 
		"	x → x\n\n\r" + white,

		yellow + "The second test:\n\r"+ blue + 
		"	x → xx\n\n\r" + white,

		yellow + "the third test:\n\r"+ blue + 
		"	x → x↩\n\n\r" + white,

		yellow + "the fourth test:\n\r"+ blue + 
		"	x → x◌ (final digit removed)\n\n\r",

		yellow + "the fifth test:\n\r"+ blue + 
		"	x → y → x\n\n\r",

		yellow + "the sixth test:\n\r"+ blue + 
		"	x → y → x↩'.\n\n\r"

var tests = [test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6];
        const term = new Terminal(
                                theme: {
                                        background: "#882255",
                                rows: desired_rows,
                                cols: 60,
                                cursorBlink: true,
                                fontSize: Math.floor(innerHeight/(desired_rows*5/4)),
                                fontWeight: 900

	const princess_prompt = '\r\nSend her a number...  ';

	function runFakeTerminal() {
		var i = 0;


		var buffer = "";

		term.onKey(e => {
			const printable = !e.domEvent.altKey && !e.domEvent.altGraphKey && !e.domEvent.ctrlKey && !e.domEvent.metaKey;
			if ([37,39,38,40].includes(e.domEvent.keyCode)) return; // disable arrow keys for now they're buggy 

			if (e.domEvent.keyCode === 13) {
				if (buffer == "") return;
				if (buffer == "?"){
					buffer = "";
				term.write("\r\n\x1b[94m" +  "The princess returns: " + princess(buffer) + "\x1b[97m");
				if (tests[i](buffer)){
					term.write("\x1b[91m\r\nYou passed Test " + i + "!\x1b[97m\r\n\n");
				buffer = "";
			} else if (e.domEvent.keyCode === 8) {
				// Do not delete the prompt
				if (term._core.buffer.x > princess_prompt.length - 2) {
					buffer = buffer.substring(0, buffer.length - 1);
					term.write('\b \b');
			} else if (printable) {
				buffer = buffer + e.key;

	        window.addEventListener("resize", resize_term);
                function resize_term(){
                        let font_height = Math.floor(innerHeight/(desired_rows*5/4));
                        term.setOption("fontSize", font_height);

	function prompt(term) {

 * Test user on rules one at a time. 
 * Assert a set of pre-determined output values
 * Make sure uesr know how to use all of the rules

const desired_rows = 24

function princess(input){
	var head = input.charAt(0);
	var tail = input.charAt(input.length - 1);
	var rest = input.substring(1);

	if (head == "1" && tail == "2")
		return input.substring(1,input.length - 1);
	else if (head == "3")
		return princess(rest) + princess(rest);
	else if (head == "4")
		return princess(rest).split("").reverse().join("");
	else if (head == "5")
		return princess(rest).substring(1);
	else if (head == "6")
		return "1" + princess(rest);
	else if (head == "7")
		return "2" + princess(rest);
		return "";

const white = '\x1b[97m';
const yellow = '\x1b[93m';
const blue = '\x1b[94m';
const red = '\x1b[91m';
const green = '\x1b[92m';

const INTRODUCTION = yellow + "There is a princess who lives far away,\n\r" + 
	"She has a way with numbers, by the way.\n\r" + 
	"She has this game she plays, a number game:\n\r"+
	"You send her a number, she'll do the same.\n\r"+
	"Her number will be in response to yours,\n\r"+
	"And yes, She'll teach you how it works, of course.\n\r"+
	"She will reward the one that meets her test,\n\r"+
	"Just learn six rules and figure out the rest.\n\r"+
	"The princess is waiting...\n\r"+ 
	"First she will teach you the rules.\n\n\r"+
	"(Already know the rules? press ESC)\n\n\r"+
	green + "Tell the princess you are ready:"

const rules = 
		yellow + "Rule 0: notation\n\r"+ white + 
		"▸ A single letter can be used to represent\n\r"+
		"	either a single-digit, or a multi-digit number.\n\r"+
		"	So x can be 2 or it can be 1234\n\r"+
		"▸ No letter has any special meaning,\n\r"+
		"	they are all just variables (a,b,x)\n\r"+
		"▸ When you see variables next to each other,\n\r"+
		"	it means concatenation, not multiplication\n\r"+
		"	so if a = 543 and b = 987 ab means 543987\n\r"+
		"	and 3a means 3543\n\r"+
		"▸ a → b means: when you send the princess a,\n\r"+
		"	       she will respond with b.\n\n\r"+
		yellow + "Rule I: getting a response\n\r"+ white + 	
		"		("+green+"1"+white+"a"+green+"2"+white+" → a)\n\r" + 
		"Examples: 	"+green+"1"+white+"654"+green+"2"+white+" → 654\n\r"+
		"		"+green+"1"+white+"192"+green+"2"+white+" → 192\n\r"+
		"Play with the rule. Does it make sense?\n\r"+
		"What number would you send to get 1643 back\n\r"+
		"in the notation: Find an x such that: x → 1643\n\n\r",

		yellow + "RULE II: doubling\n\r"+ 
		"(if a → b then 3a → bb)\n\r"+ white +
		"Examples:      Since 116432 → 1643\n\r"+
		"	       then "+green+"3"+white+"116432 → 16431643\n\r"+
		"		Since 1432 → 43\n\r"+
		"		then "+green+"3"+white+"1432 → 4343\n\r"+
		"                and "+green+"33"+white+"1432 → 43434343\n\r"+
		"Using rule II:\n\r"+
		"What number would you send to get 123123 back?\n\r"+
		"                   x → 123123\n\n\n\r",

		yellow + "RULE III: reversal\n\r"+ 
		"(if a → b, then 4a → b↩ (b with its digits reversed))\n\r"+ white +
		"Example:      since 19872 → 987\n\r"+
		"	      then "+green+"4"+white+"19872 → 789\n\r"+
		"Use rule III to make her send back 123\n\r",

		yellow + "Rule IV: ereasure\n\r"+
		"(if a → b, then 5a→ ◌b (b with the first digit removed))\n\r"+ white +
		"Example:     since  127432 → 2743\n\r"+
		"	     then  "+green+"5"+white+"127432 → 743\n\r"+
		"Use rule IV to make her send back 375\n\r",

		yellow + "Rule V: addition(1) (if a → b then 6a → 1b)\n\r"+ white + 
		"Example:      since 15552 → 555\n\r"+
		"              then "+green+"6"+white+"15552 → 1555\n\r"+
		"Use rule V to return 1919\n\r",

		yellow + "Rule VI: addition(2) (if a → b then 7a → 2b)\n\r"+ white +
		"Example:      since 13432 → 343\n\r"+
		"              then "+green+"7"+white+"13432 → 2343\n\r"+
		"Use rule VI to return 222\n\r",

		yellow + "Rule ∞: rules can be used in any combination\n\r"+ white +
		"Example:      since   14342 →  434\n\r"+
		"               and   "+green+"6"+white+"14342 → 1434       (addition(1))\n\r"+
		"              then  "+green+"36"+white+"14342 → 14341434   (doubling)\n\r"+
		"Use rules IV(ereasure) and II(doubling) to get the \n\r"+
		"princess to send you the number 47747\n\r",

		red + "And those are all the rules.\n\n\r" + white + 
		"Do not forget them:\n\n\n\r"+
		"Rule I                        "+green+"1"+white+"a"+green+"2"+white+" → a\n\r"+
		"Rule II        if a → b, then "+green+"3"+white+"a → bb\n\r"+
		"Rule III       if a → b, then "+green+"4"+white+"a → b↩\n\r"+
		"Rule IV        if a → b, then "+green+"5"+white+"a → ◌b\n\r"+
		"Rule V         if a → b, then "+green+"6"+white+"a → 1b\n\r"+
		"Rule VI        if a → b, then "+green+"7"+white+"a → 2b\n\n\r"+
		"Now you are ready for the tests ↴\n\r"+
		"Send the princess a ? if you need a reminder...\n\r"+
		"Press ENTER to go to the tests"

// this is how we make sure they understand the rules
const asserts = 
	[    // (required number, test assert equal)   
		["4", "123"],
		["5", "375"],
		["6", "1919"],
		["7", "222"],
		["53", "47747"]

 * pass it the buffer, and where to look in the asserts aray
function test(input, i){
	return ((input.startsWith(asserts[i][0])) && (princess(input) == asserts[i][1]));

const term = new Terminal(
		theme: {
			background: "#006699",
		rows: desired_rows,
		cols: 60,
		cursorBlink: true,
		fontSize: Math.floor(innerHeight/(desired_rows*5/4)),
		fontWeight: 700,


const term_prompt = '\r\nTry a number: ';

function runFakeTerminal() {
	if (term._initialized) {

	term._initialized = true;

	term.write('\x1b[97m'); // sets text color

	var i = 0; 		// index to iterate through the rules
	started = false;

	var buffer = ""; // initialize an empty buffer. I think this can be accessed 
	// through term._core.buffer instead of building manually

	term.onKey(e => {
		if (e.domEvent.keyCode === 27){
			location.replace("princess.html"); //this might be the fix: send to another html page with another terminal

		if ([37,39,38,40].includes(e.domEvent.keyCode)) return; // disable arrow keys for now, they're buggy 

		const printable = !e.domEvent.altKey && !e.domEvent.altGraphKey && !e.domEvent.ctrlKey && !e.domEvent.metaKey;

		if (started == false) { // started means they read the intro and are going through the rules now
			buffer = "";
			started = true;

		if (e.domEvent.keyCode === 13) 
			if (buffer == "") return; // don't let them send an empty string

			if (i == rules.length-1){
				term.dispose(); //done learning rules.

			term.writeln("\n\rthe princess would return: " + princess(buffer));
			if (test(buffer, i)){
				term.writeln(green + "\n\n\n    Correct\n\n\n\n\r");
				if (i == rules.length - 1) return; // so we don't prompt after the rules print out
				// is it stupid to check this twice? probably.		

			buffer = "";

		} else if (e.domEvent.keyCode === 8) { // backspace
			// Do not delete the prompt
			if (term._core.buffer.x > term_prompt.length - 2) {
				buffer = buffer.substring(0, buffer.length - 1);
				term.write('\b \b');
		} else if (printable) {
			buffer = buffer + e.key;


	window.addEventListener("resize", resize_term);
	function resize_term(){
		let font_height = Math.floor(innerHeight/(desired_rows*5/4));
		term.setOption("fontSize", font_height);


function prompt(term) {
