This is the classic 15 piece sliding puzzle.
use the [arrow keys] or [WASD] to slide the
adjacent square into the empty slot.
Scramble it and try to put it back together
the [`] key does an automatic 100 move scramble.
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
<canvas id = "puzzle_space"></canvas>
<script src= "fifteen.js"></script>
body {
background-color: #006699;
cursor: crosshair;
canvas {
border:5px solid white;
padding-left: 0;
padding-right: 0;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
display: block;
cursor: crosshair;
// Get the canvas element using the DOM
let canvas = document.getElementById('puzzle_space');
let context = canvas.getContext('2d');
let grid = [
[1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ],
[5 ,6 ,7 ,8 ],
[9 ,10,11,12],
const colors = ["#b13", "#136", "#69b", "#369"];
let tile_width = 0;
let tile_padding = 0;
let empty_row = 3;
let empty_col = 3;
function move(key){
if (key === 'ArrowDown' || key === 's')
if (empty_row > 0){
grid[empty_row][empty_col] = grid[empty_row-1][empty_col];
grid[--empty_row][empty_col] = 0;
if (key === 'ArrowUp' || key === 'w')
if (empty_row < 3){
grid[empty_row][empty_col] = grid[empty_row+1][empty_col];
grid[++empty_row][empty_col] = 0;
if (key === 'ArrowLeft' || key === 'a')
if (empty_col < 3){
grid[empty_row][empty_col] = grid[empty_row][empty_col+1];
grid[empty_row][++empty_col] = 0;
if (key === 'ArrowRight' || key === 'd')
if (empty_col > 0){
grid[empty_row][empty_col] = grid[empty_row][empty_col-1];
grid[empty_row][--empty_col] = 0;
if (key === '`')
function slide(from, to){
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++){
context.fillStyle = empty;
Array.prototype.sample = function(){
return this[Math.floor(Math.random()*this.length)];
function scramble(){
let keys = ['ArrowUp', 'ArrowDown', 'ArrowRight', 'ArrowLeft'];
let i = 0;
let id = setInterval(automove, 30);
function automove(){
i += 1
if (i > 100)
function draw_square(i,j) {
let x = j * fourth;
let y = i * fourth;
let number = grid[i][j];
function grid_to_canvas(){
let width = canvas.width;
let fourth = width/4;
let eighth = fourth/2;
for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++){
for (let j = 0; j < 4; j++){
let x = j * fourth;
let y = i * fourth;
let number = grid[i][j];
let color = colors[Math.floor((number-1) / 4)] || '#eee';
context.fillStyle = color;
context.fillRect(x, y, fourth, fourth);
if (number !== 0){
let text = number.toString();
context.fillStyle = "#fff";
context.fillText(text ,x + eighth, y + eighth);
//---------------------------------------key event listener
window.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => {
}, false); //TODO what does this false mean?
//--------------------------------------resize event listener
window.addEventListener("resize", draw_canvas);
function draw_canvas(){
let context = canvas.getContext('2d');
let square_side = Math.min(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight) - 30;
square_side -= square_side%8;
canvas.setAttribute('width', square_side.toString());
canvas.width = canvas.width; canvas.height = canvas.height;
let font_height_pix = Math.floor(canvas.width/12).toString();
context.font = font_height_pix + "px Courier New";
context.textAlign = "center";
tile_width = canvas.width/4;
tile_padding = tile_width/2;
//TODO event listeners for touch events!