Here is a command-line program in python3 that lets you play a connect four game in the terminal. 
Players take turns entering the column they would like to drop thier piece into.
Play progresses until one player connects a line of 4 pieces, diagonals count.

The program uses an internal colors module in order to print colored unicode characters for the game grid.
If you make your terminal full screen and enlarge the font by a lot, then it starts to look like a real game!
See the screenshot above for reference...

This program uses some fairly advanced grid iteration techniques that made my head spin even when I was writing this program. There are likely better ways to do the checking for lines of 4, and if so, I welcome you to try them!

Since this program uses unicode, it may not run in all online python editors. The best way to try this program is to run it locally in your own python interpreter.   
import sys
import time

# global assets
shade = '◡' 
dot = '◉'
star = '◎'
margin = '   '

# this class is basically being used as a module
# not everything is used, just here for demo
# look up ANSI escape codes if you are confused
class colors:
    # general colors
    reset       = '\u001b[0m'
    dark_blue   = '\u001b[38;2;63;94;143m'
    bold        = '\u001b[1m'
    clear_screen= '\033[2J'
    cyan        = '\u001b[96m'
    yellow      = '\u001b[93m'
    green       = '\u001b[92m'
    red         = '\u001b[91m'
    show_cursor = "\033[?25h"
    hide_cursor = "\033[?25l"
    blink       = "\033[5m"
    stop_blink  = "\033[25m"
    magenta     = '\x1b[95m'
    faint       = '\x1b[2m'
    # the circled numbers for the column bases:
    base_nums = ['\U00002460', '\U00002461', '\U00002462', 
                 '\U00002463', '\U00002464', '\U00002465', 
                 '\U00002466', '\U00002467', '\U00002468', 
                 '\U00002469', '\U0000246a', '\U0000246b', 
                 '\U0000246c', '\U0000246d', '\U0000246e', 
                 '\U0000246f', '\U00002470', '\U00002471', 
                 '\U00002472', '\U00002473',]

    def rgb(r,g,b):
        return f'\u001b[38;2;{r};{g};{b}m'

    def bg_rgb(r,g,b):
        return f'\u001b[48;2;{r};{g};{b}m'

    # specific colors for this game
    blue   = rgb(70,70,250)
    yellow = rgb(250,250,50)
    purple = rgb(150,0,50)
    red    = rgb(250, 50,150)
    green  = rgb(50,250,50)
    white  = rgb(210,220,255)

class Board:
    board = []

    def __init__(self, width, height):
        self.board = [[0]*width for i in range(height)] 
    def print_board(self,dot):
        for i in range(1,len(self.board[0])+1):
            rowstring = ''
            for j in range(len(self.board)):
                c = self.board[j][-i]
                if c == 'x':
                    rowstring = rowstring + colors.blue + dot + ' '
                if c == 'o':
                    rowstring = rowstring + colors.yellow + dot + ' '
                if c == 't':
                    rowstring = rowstring + colors.red + dot + ' '
                if c == 'u':
                    rowstring = rowstring + colors.green + dot + ' '
                elif c == 0:
                    rowstring = rowstring + colors.purple +shade + ' '
            print(margin + rowstring + colors.purple)
        print(margin, end = '')
        for i in range(len(self.board)):
            print(colors.base_nums[i] + ' ', end = '')

    def drop(self, row, mark):
        for i in range(len(self.board[row])-1,-1,-1):

            print(' ')
            if self.board[row][i] == 0:
                self.board[row][i] = mark
                Board.print_board(self, dot)
                if i == 0 or not self.board[row][i-1] == 0:
                    Board.print_board(self, star)
                    print('\n', end = '\r')
                    Board.print_board(self, dot)
                    print('\n', end = '\r')
                self.board[row][i] = 0
    def check_four(self):
        counter = 0
        width = len(self.board[0])
        height = len(self.board)
        for row in range(height):
            for col in range(1,width):
                if self.board[row][col] == self.board[row][col-1]:
                    if self.board[row][col] != 0:
                        counter += 1
                        if counter == 3:
                            return True
                    counter = 0
            counter = 0
        counter = 0

        for col in range(width):
            for row in range(1,height):
                if self.board[row][col] == self.board[row-1][col]:
                    if self.board[row][col] != 0:
                        counter += 1
                        if counter == 3:
                            return True
                    counter = 0
            counter = 0
        counter = 0
        #south-east/north-west diagonals
        for a in range(height - 3):
            for i in range(width - 3):
                for j in range(3):
                    if self.board[a + j][i + j] == self.board[a + j + 1][i + 1 + j]:
                        if self.board[a + j][i + j] != 0:
                            counter += 1
                            if counter == 3:
                                return True
                        counter = 0
                counter = 0
        counter = 0
        #south-west/north-east diagonals
        for a in range(height - 3):
            for i in range(3, width):
                for j in range(3):
                    if self.board[a + j][i - j] == self.board[a + j + 1][i - j - 1]:
                        if self.board[a + j][i - j] != 0:
                            counter += 1
                            if counter == 3:
                                return True
                        counter = 0
                counter = 0
        return False

    def is_space(self,x):
        return self.board[x][-1] == 0

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # if the program is called without arguments:
    if len(sys.argv) == 1:
        B = Board(9,9)
        width = 9
        height = 9
        print(margin + colors.white + '\U000023C1 ' + colors.blue + dot+' ' + 
            colors.yellow + dot)
        num_players = 2
    else: # this stuff is here to allow for multiple players
        height = int(sys.argv[1])
        width = int(sys.argv[2]) #these are the apparent height and width on screen
        B = Board(height,width)
        num_players = sys.argv[3]
        num_players = int(num_players)
        if num_players == 4:
            print(margin + colors.white + '\U000023C1 ' + colors.blue + dot+' ' + 
                colors.yellow + dot + colors.red + ' ' +  dot + colors.green + ' ' + dot)
        if num_players == 3:
            print(margin + colors.white + '\U000023C1 ' + colors.blue + dot+' ' + 
                colors.yellow + dot + colors.red + ' ' +  dot)
        if num_players == 2:
            print(margin + colors.white + '\U000023C1 ' + colors.blue + dot+' ' + 
                colors.yellow + dot)

    while not B.check_four():
        clrs = [colors.blue, colors.yellow, colors.red, colors.green]
        tokens = ['x', 'o', 't', 'u']
        for i in range(num_players):
            p1 = input(margin+clrs[i]+' ' + dot + ' : ')
            while not p1.isnumeric() or (int(p1) > width or int(p1) < 1) or not B.is_space(int(p1)-1):
                print(margin + colors.red + 'try again')
                p1 = input(clrs[i] +' ' +' ' + dot + ' : ')

            row = int(p1) - 1
            B.drop(row, tokens[i])

            if B.check_four() == 1:
                print(margin + clrs[i] + ' ' + dot + ' wins', end = '')